Black Cod
Anoplopoma fimbria
Sablefish, Merluzzo Nero, Gindara, ギンダラ

With an intensely rich and buttery flavour, yet delicate texture, the Black Cod has long had a cult following in Japan. This was catapulted onto the global stage in 1994 thanks to Nobu Matsuhisa's interpretation of the Miso marinated Japanese classic in his flagship Beverley Hills restaurant.
More correctly known as Sablefish, Black Cod is a species only located in the North Pacific Ocean and is unrelated to the everyday Cod available in the European market.
A select few fishing operators in Alaska produce a consistently high quality frozen Black Cod for the European market, which carries the MSC eco-certification.
Alternatively there is the Golden Eagle branded aquaculture Black Cod grown sustainably on Vancouver Island, British Columbia used by diners and consumers world wide including the Nobu chain. The Golden Eagle Black Cod surpasses even the larger wilder Black Cod for rich oils, and are completely free of the usual parasite and jellymeat challenges that chefs' experience with wild Black Cod.