Octopus tetricus & Octopus vulgaris
Pulpo, Oktopus, Tako, 蛸

In so many cultures the Octopus is one of the most prized treasures from the sea. The stunning visual and versatility have seen strong growth in consumption in markets such as Northern Europe where octopus consumption was historically very low.
Unfortunately the main octopus fishing waters around the world have been intensively over-fished. Enter a new octopus fishery in Western Australia which combines both protecting the octopus stocks and superior handling practises (including individual Ike-Jime harvesting) to offer to the European market a genuinely sustainable octopus with best in class quality.
Listed on top menus around the world, the “Fremantle Octopus” is a species unique to the Western Australian waters and thanks to its diet and superior handling is naturally more tender than octopus from other parts of the world, whilst also providing a far higher yield for the chef.