King Salmon
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Salmone Reale, Königslachs, Saumon royal du Pacifique,

The King Salmon has always been the most prized Salmon for Chefs on both sides of the Atlantic. The King Salmon has far richer oils and a naturally stronger orange colour than any other salmon.
As the wild stock of King Salmon in Alaska and British Columbia have continued to dwindle, the demand from chefs for the best salmon species in the world has been filled by the luscious texture of the longstanding Ora King breeding program of King Salmon from the pristine Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand.
Frequently called "The Wagyu of the Sea" the Ora King is now the undisputed premier Salmon in the world and used by chefs who have long refused the mass produced salmon from Norway, Scotland and Chile.