Patagonian Toothfish
Dissostichus eleginoide
Chilean Seabass, Legine, Merluza Negra, 牙鱼

In 1977, the ferociously titled Patagonian Toothfish was given a name that would transform its global appeal. “Chilean Seabass”, as it was renamed in the US, is now demanded by chefs and fish lovers world-wide.
Inhabiting the deep waters around the Antarctic, the Chilean Seabass is famed for its rich, snow-white flesh and an extraordinary cooked eating experience.
The sudden international popularity of Chilean Seabass put the species at risk for more than twenty years. Tighter regulations and a crackdown on pirate vessels have now returned stocks to safe levels. The Cap Kersaint working out of Reunion Island, a French Territory, is the major supplier to the European market thanks to the quality focussed handling of its fish, and careful fishing practises.